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Joined: 14 Jan 2006
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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:07 am    Post subject: re Reply with quote Back to top


very nice Mission. I just wanted to ask you, if you play on Project 64 v1.7, and if you encounter a "slowing down" problem where you have to kill Dr Doak?

If I spend too much time in this room, the game will go down to 3 fps, and I have to reset the game.

But it is also possible, that this is only on my computer (not really a fast one).

Anyway, thanks for this mission, and btw are there any speedruns?

I just played it on agent mode, but even on this mode, I don't get the cheat time :/

The limit of 3 minutes is just too hard for me at the moment^^
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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Hmm, I don't recall that ever happening during testing, I wouldn't doubt it if it does though, the mission is pretty buggy in places. I'll play it later and stick around in that room to see what happens, I've only got PJ64 1.6 so if it's a problem with 1.7 I won't be able to confirm that.

As for the cheat time, I never changed it, it might be impossible to get it. I don't think anyone's done a speedrun of the mission, I left a few time savers in place (You don't need to pick up any of the keycards) but as far as I know no one has attempted it yet.
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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Thanks for reply. No need to pick up the cards?

Well, for most doors, i have to pick them up, because the guards are coming to slow.

I explain the Dr. Doak problem:

If I don't shoot him to the head (so that he dies faster), the other guards enter the room, and everything slows down.

It is probably because of my computer, if you don't get the same bug.

I will try to play some more times Smile
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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top


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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:01 am    Post subject: re Reply with quote Back to top

I changed the video plugin to 1.5.2 works fine with some graphic glitches, but that is ok for me.

So I believe that 3 Minutes is possible, my fastest time is 03:20, with some slow downs in certain areas. This should really be easy for a good GE player or Speedrunner.

Just a question to the creator:

Why did you decide to make the exit in the top elevator? You could edit the "normal starting point", in order to get down to the rocket, and put the exit into the "beta elevator starting point".

Anyway, great work
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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I never really considered having the end point anywhere but in the elevator. I did allow access to the vent at one point but that was never the exit point, I cut it because the mission crashed when I extended the path network in there.
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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Hm ok I see.

Do you think that with the Hammer editor, I would not crash?

(so basically rebuild the whole level)
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 PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Hammer is really only being used to create new maps. You could try to fix it with the setup editor but if it was something simple I'd have caught it before release. Believe me I tried to get rid of all the problems, I was fixing things up to the last minute.
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 PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I hadn't gotten a chance to play the final version of this until today. Wow, great mission! I must say there is an over-abundance of armor on agent mode though. Dr. Doak's speech was completely believable, I mean we don't know much about him from facility. He let Bond into the Trev area, which was required for Trev, so I wonder if Dr. Doak was a triple agent after all! After his long speech, I accidentally was in front of the launch controls and Doak blew me and the controls up!!! Also, the hostage thing was brilliant. I lost a couple hostages because they switched costumes. Anyone have a video of a speed run of this or a good time on 00 agent mode?
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Joined: 23 Mar 2007
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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Thanks. Very Happy

Wreck wrote most of Doak's dialogue based on my ideas, then I rewrote parts of it and we went back and forth making small changes until we got what ended up in the game. I wonder how many people actually sat through it all and how many just blasted him on the spot. Razz

That thing with him destroying the control console happened to me a few times in testing, it can be annoying but I left it in, more realistic that way, you need to be careful about where you stand. Another funny thing is that he won't react if you throw mines/grenades at him, the action that checks if Bond fires doesn't check if he throws something apparently. You can set off a huge explosion around him and he'll just keep talking, I didn't make him invincible there either so you can actually kill him without him ever reacting to it or calling in his goons, it just takes a lot more explosives than you'd normally have.

The only things I'm not really happy with are the rocket launch, I wanted to have them actually launch like the shuttle in Aztec but couldn't figure out what made the shuttle work and gave up, and the fact that it can crash at random, that's always annoying but I could never figure out what the cause was.

As for a movie, to my knowledge no one has made one except for the one you did of the beta.
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