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Joined: 23 Sep 2007
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 PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I see. Nobody understands me xD LOL.

Nah, it's OK, I was just giving out ideas. I just explained it again for DB, who asked for it.
Anyway, I still think the tool (standalone or integrated in the editor) would come in handy. I really hope there won't be too much or anything to fix later, because it could become quite nightmarish, but I can't help fear it will be hard to avoid without this.

Anyway. If you have decided how the texture stuff should be dealed with, someone please write it down and I'll be glad to post it at the top of the thread, or some mod do it, but please, don't delete the original content. Just add it to the top and make a separation with dashes or underscores, like this

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 PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Reading your IRC conversation, there are a few things that jump out at me. First off, neither method is any better for sharing textures. I liked your idea of making all of our textures available for anyone to use. With my method, any textures I use in a final import are added to the textures.txt file, but that doesn't bar anyone from using any custom textures I made that I didn't use in the final version. They'll simply need to add those textures to the file themselves. How is that any different from your method?

You mention getting a load of textures near the end of the project, again, once I do my final import it's final, I don't plan on touching it again regardless of whether new textures become available. I will not wait around to finalize my map until everyone else is done, sorry. That will only slow the project down; I really hope no one else considers it. Ideally we'll get these maps in GE as soon as they are finished, and I (and whoever else volunteers) can get setups started for them immediately afterward. If all goes well, we'll beat that Q4 2010 deadline by a couple months.

Maintaining the textures file and patch will not be difficult with the SVN. Maybe you haven't used it yet, but it makes it very easy. After setting a directory to use, you simply right click it and chose SVN Update. You then have the most up-to-date version of every file. When you make an update, you right click and chose SVN Commit. Your updated file is now on the server and available to everyone else.
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 PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Id say just use the standard GE textures unless you really have to use a custom one. There are many ways you can get differnt looking stuff with using the old textures. eg: in Island, for the sand i just stretched one of the egypt block textures to make it look like sand. Get creative!

and for models i guess it will be alot harder to do that. It would be alot easier during the conversion process if models only use 1 or 2 textures.

My question is do the texture presets numbers have to go in order????
and can you import a texture to a specified preset number?

if not, mabey a global preset texture number list of used preset numbers might help. That way in the end, all you would have to do is add the textures to the preset number that the mapper/modeler specified

EDIT: As long as everyone used a preset number not used by the global list, and it was updated as soon as someone added one, then there would be no conflicts

if the textures are saved like the way i did in my tutorial (texture-1337.bmp), that would be real easy to imort them all. And keep them from breaking

but mabey they have to go in order with no spaces between them. then this wont work

mabey this was mentioned above. i dont think i read everything
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 PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I was wondering that myself. If spaces are allowed, then we can do something like reserve 20 textures per person, and not have them waste any space if all of them aren't used.
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 PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I havent used a SVN repository yet, but I know how they work, you don't have to explain that to me. I don't need to have used one to understand the functionality and purpose.
I really don't agree with your perception that my method would slow things down at all. If you ask me why, I'd say that you haven't really understood the process I described, because I see no slowdown at all in there, and I really don't know how else to explain it.
I would like to remark one thing though. You said "I will not wait around to finalize my map until everyone else is done, sorry.".
I suggest you read more carefully my explanation attempts, and you'll see that what you say is not part of the process.
You would make your level withing YOUR OWN ROM with random textures added, make to it anything you see fit up to finalization. Once it's finished it's finished. You don't need to WORK on it again.
The thing is that, with my system of texture organization and that tool or special import mode in the editor which I described earlier, your FINISHED level becomes easily portable to other ROMs in which the textures you use are in different presets.

Anyway, since it's seems my method is not welcome, I give up on it for this project.
I would like to see that feature I described in the editor someday, though.
I mean, exporting to OBJ (or using the original OBJ file), update textures.txt file and reimport, but instead of re-generating all the BG data, losing the custom mods you may have, just update the texture preset numbers.
Another possible usage of this would be to aid in the creation of compilations of levels previously released as single level hacks into multiple level hacks.
Like if someone wants to make an "antology" of his previous works xD

Anyway, enough of that.

Building up on the seemingly decided on method of mantaining a universal ROM+textures.txt, I would like to make a little suggestion (DANGER DANGER XD)

The most problematic point here is where the textures get assigned a preset, right? The moment when textures really need one is when you convert any given piece of geometry (levels, props, guards/characters) to GE format.
My suggestion here would be to have a "conversion coordinator" who will convert the submitted the OBJ stuff to GE and give it back to the author for him to keep working on it, while at the same time he publishes an updated ROM patch and textures.txt file.
This is to avoid having to prealocate or suffer from conflicts when conversion to GE is discoordinated.
Of course this "conversion master" doesn't have to be a single person. More than one could do that task at a given time as long as they stay coordinated.

Maybe this could be achieved with the SVN by setting the folder which holds the ROM with the textures and the textures.txt file to be modifiable only by these "conversion masters", and also establish the possibility for these conversion masters to lock the folder when they start a conversion so the rest of them will only access it when one of the conversions has finished so they can build upon it sequentially and not in paralell, which would be disastrous.
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 PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I wouldn't be opposed to one person handling all of the imports, if someone volunteers to do it. It can't be me, I already have enough trouble importing my own maps when they get too big. I keep getting that "lost device" error (I think it's my onboard graphics causing the problem, it never used to happen on my old computer, even though it had far worse specs). I already planned on handing off my map(s) to someone else to import for that reason.
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 PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Another possibility:

Let's say someone finished building his OBJ format level.
He would call on the coordinator/s and say "I need to allocate 10 textures".
The coordinator would lock the folder on the repository and tell the asking modder what presets to use for his textures IF the editor allows allocation of non consecutive presets.
The modder would then add his textures to the ROM, import the level and send back the textures.txt file for that level to be appended to the main one.
unique texture filenames on the repository would also help in this.
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 PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

All, I am trying to solve this shared texture issue this time for good. We will have a lot of shared development, and there are two things that will be useful for everyone:
1) Everyone is going to want to share as many completed textures as possible, even if they do not make their final model, to source other models. They may not all make it into the final ROM either, if no one ends up using it.
2) When a prop is completed, the textures need to be injected into the ROM and used by that model.

My current thoughts are:

Everyone can used a shared work in progress texture folder, we can use SVN or however we want to share.

If you put a texture in the shared folder, and you want change it, you must give it a new name. So if you have plant_texture1.bmp, if it changes it should be plant_texture2.bmp, so if anyone was using the old one, they are not affected. You should also name them uniquely. Texture1.bmp isn't going to work if you keep using that name for all models. You may want to call it something like propname_description.bmp, for example, rollsroyce_tailpipe.bmp. That way no chance of clashing of names.

When you are finished with your model, you can submit it to me and I will assign it final texture ids and add it to the repository of final ROM textures. If you have already done the import into GoldenEye, I can use a ROM replacement map which I do support for rooms to change texture ids automatically, and can either do manually or add support for props too. If you replace textures, etc, of the model later, I will have to add new textures, and if the textures are unused by any other model I will replace it with the next new one. If someone else ends up using it, since it's not in the current ROM, I will just add it then, etc and update the map. So you can do all you like in your own world with whatever digits/texture positions you like, and then later I will adjust/assign final digits (so don't worry about which you use).

The final ROM textures will always be current at:

which is database driven and also knows which images are used by all final props, etc, so it's all cross-referenced.

Anyone have thoughts, suggestions? Agree?
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