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GE-X 5e Patch Released! @ 12-24-16
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Secret Agent
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 PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 9:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I'm curious if the Gernade Launcher reload animation went anywhere. If was looking pretty good earlier on in this thread! Smile
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Kerr Avon

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 PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2024 4:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Is there any ETA for the next release of Goldeneye X, please?
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Secret Agent
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 PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Can we also get an in-depth progress report on bug fixes and added stuff as well?

Also is there a possibility of adding the full Cradle map for VR to at least see how well it performs and the differences with the optimized version?

Just a heads up PD64 Decomp has now officially reached 100% and is complete! Any plans on when GE-X team is moving the project into the decomp?
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 PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2024 3:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Thundera8589 wrote:
Can we also get an in-depth progress report on bug fixes and added stuff as well?

Also is there a possibility of adding the full Cradle map for VR to at least see how well it performs and the differences with the optimized version?

Just a heads up PD64 Decomp has now officially reached 100% and is complete! Any plans on when GE-X team is moving the project into the decomp?

The GE-X team is just Wreck.

Wreck does occasionally post updates to the thread in the N64Vault discord. Don't expect them to be posted with any kind of regularity though. Wreck doesn't know how to code or navigate a codebase like the Perfect Dark decompilation effort so it won't be Wreck putting it in the decomp.
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Kerr Avon

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 PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2024 4:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I hate Discord. I've never been able to see any advantage to it that over-ride's a forum advantages - a forum is so much easier to search and navigate, and does a much better job of storing a conversation in an easy to read format.
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Secret Agent
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 PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2024 5:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

HackBond wrote:
Thundera8589 wrote:
Can we also get an in-depth progress report on bug fixes and added stuff as well?

Also is there a possibility of adding the full Cradle map for VR to at least see how well it performs and the differences with the optimized version?

Just a heads up PD64 Decomp has now officially reached 100% and is complete! Any plans on when GE-X team is moving the project into the decomp?

The GE-X team is just Wreck.

Wreck does occasionally post updates to the thread in the N64Vault discord. Don't expect them to be posted with any kind of regularity though. Wreck doesn't know how to code or navigate a codebase like the Perfect Dark decompilation effort so it won't be Wreck putting it in the decomp.

I'm not going on a discord to find out about GE-X's progress when he can easily post it here and it's more easily accessible for everyone. This forum used to have an exciting atmosphere. The engagement with the project seems to be closed off these days. When need to go back to how it was before.

Aside from the community aspect, if Wreck is the only one working on GE-X and he can't code then is he still going to plan on moving GE-X to decomp or is he going to get RyanDwyer to help him with the coding and transitioning into the GE-X's decomp?

Kerr Avon wrote:
I hate Discord. I've never been able to see any advantage to it that over-ride's a forum advantages - a forum is so much easier to search and navigate, and does a much better job of storing a conversation in an easy to read format.

I agree with you 100%.
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Secret Agent
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 PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2024 11:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

The advantage of Discord is that it is, in fact, easy to post updates to. Wreck can upload images directly to Discord, whereas he'd have to find a separate image hosting site to put anything here. Not needing a middleman to upload stuff to is a great boost in convenience. Also, the Discord server is just where most of the people are now. That's where the hacking wizards are, so he asks for help there, too.

The engagement might seem closed off, but it's because you're simply not around it. Now, I don't wanna say you need to be in the Discord or anything. It's not my place to tell you what to do. I'm just trying to help explain why Discord is getting the attention.

As for what's actually happening, there's not all that much with GE-X directly as of late. I believe Wreck's current work on GE-X for awhile now has been standardizing head and prop LODs, but he wants to set those up for regular GE first. One of the thing's he's learned is that heads have a separate scalp mesh that's hidden when a hat is worn. He's also been focusing on an update for GE Tournament Edition, which I think includes new cheat options for GE. That's what I've been seeing around most recently.
22 not happening nerds. forget about it. 23 til the day i die.
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The Renegadist
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 PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2024 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I agree that updates should be posted here as well, it's lame to have to rely on a 3rd party like crap to receive any kind of updates when there's a perfectly good thread here that came long before crap even existed.

I recently uninstalled and completely removed myself from Discord so for people like myself and Kerr Avon we are 100% in the dark. This whole time I honestly thought the project was abandoned because it had been so long since a reply.
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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2024 4:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I'm sorry but the internet moves on. Concepts like forums eventually die because more "convenient" options are available. For example Runescape killed its forums and replaced it with their existing Discord community servers. The posts about GE-X were confined to a thing in Discord called a thread, so that discussion about it did not consume the ge-pd-editing channel and it was all in the same place. If you end up back in the Discord, I can point it out to you so you don't miss it.

No it's not as easy to post here as it is to Discord. Since the usual way would be direct posting and uploading to Discord, any links from Discord (like an image) posted here would expire after a day or so. Wreck would need to use an external image host instead and specifically come here so that 3 people will see it.
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The Renegadist
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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2024 8:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

If the internet moving on means using a platform that has openly come out saying that they allow furry CP on their platform, has completely unencrypted chat so anyone can take your messages and data and sell it to any 3rd party they want, shoves Nitro ads down your throat at every opportunity they can get, and is loaded with all kinds of unnecessary bloat and features then I'm fine with the internet moving on without me.

As long as GE Master keeps these forums up, I trust him a whole lot more than I do a soulless corporate company that has already made their intentions clear several times over.

Edit: And even though the forums have gotten slow, I do thank him for still keeping them up.
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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2024 5:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I may as well chime in.

I understand those feeling either upset, frustrated, or even somewhat angry at the fact that this newest patch is taking so long, and updates are minimal. As pointed out, I do usually share things on Discord (N64 Vault, GoldenEye X Progress thread), and also some on the GoldenEye Mods X (Twitter) page. My apologies for not keeping up on here. It's just very simple to upload an image with a quick blurb in those places.

There is no ETA on it. I am still picking at it, but I also help others with their levels and projects where I can, and choose other things to do with my time here and there. GE-X prep work and progression has consumed a chunk of my life. Aside from receiving assistance once in a while (often technical), I'm one guy overseeing it all. I very much appreciate those of you who continue to follow and support the mod. I will have a release out by the end of 2024, even if it isn't "ready" in my eyes.
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 PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2024 6:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

No when you are for sure

Someone also called Discord social media that to me is like saying PSN/XBL or even AIM MSN Yahoo ICQ EA Origin Xfire Valve Steam Battlenet messengers are social media Surprised

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The Renegadist
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 PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2024 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I got no problems with updates being slow going, knowing the project is still alive after I had thought it was dead this whole time is great news, the fact making Discord a requirement to receive newer updates is my only issue.

That being said, I had no idea there was a Twitter account, the updates look cool and I'm hyped to have Cliff Base brought on as it's one of my favorite custom hacks.

One thing that still bothers me when I see new levels or characters added is the memory and size limitations of the hack, while having Bad Santa's Elf added is cool there's that nagging feeling that by adding this random character we're drawing closer to the limits of what can be added. Since the limit exists it would be better to see GF64 characters brought over instead or more levels rather than random characters that don't relate to the subject matter. If the limit did not exist or if we had plenty of space then I'd be all for it. Maybe you could shed some light on this?
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 PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2024 10:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I honestly forgot that the twitter account existed, mostly because I do not use twitter myself.
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 PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2024 4:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I always pictured the seasonal bonus characters (Santa, Elf, etc) to be temporary. Likely to be removed at some point down the line, if/when additional models which better fit the Bond universe are included. I have a list somewhere of what's left for available heads/bodies. It is getting lower, but not dangerously so just yet. There are also 5 heads with sunglasses forced on which I can easily replace. I still hold out hope a toggle for that per player / Simulant will be possible in the future.
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