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Agent Dossiers needed for GoldenEye vault!
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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 3:28 pm    Post subject: Agent Dossiers needed for GoldenEye vault! Reply with quote Back to top

If you've contributed any file to the vault, you are entitled 00 Agent status!

Here's what I've got for agents to fill out. I will eventually let you update them yourselves, but for now, please post your details! Be creative, and explain your answers. Also send me a picture if you want. Any field not filled in will say "Classified".
(will be on site main left header once people respond)

Recon photo can be anything you want.

I will do the short biography in listing, but you need to do the following (incl Long biography):
Last Known Whereabouts:
Multi Character:
Favorite Classic Solo Level:
Favorite Classic Multi Level:
Favorite New Solo Level:
Favorite New Multi Level:
Favorite Weapon:
Best GoldenEye Story:
Heard about GoldenEye Editing:
Advice for Future GoldenEye Editors:
Upcoming Projects:
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 PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Actually just give me your picture. I have a page I'll pm where you type a password and can update everything but the picture yourself.
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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Lemme just get a pic.

Bad croping skills FTW!

Biography: Young, retro loving gamer who wants a job in the gaming industry


Last Known Whereabouts: Classified

Multi Character: Boris

Favorite Classic Solo Level: Antenna Cradle

Favorite Classic Multi Level: Temple

Favorite New Solo Level: Island

Favorite New Multi Level: Compound

Favorite Weapon: Golden Gun

Best GoldenEye Story: ????

Heard about GoldenEye Editing: SubDrag's Youtube

Advice for Future GoldenEye Editors: Take you time in a project, dont rush through and dont be shy to ask for help.

Upcoming Projects: Command Centre, Cuban Jungles.[/url]
Also known as Spyster or Nyxem

[Decoy] Antenna | Control | Silo | Escape

Last edited by HackBond on Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:42 am; edited 3 times in total
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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Reply or pm, then I'll give you via pm page and password. I imagine most pics will be GoldenEye scenes.
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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Ah, so the picture is anything we want, not just an actual photo of ourselves? I'll just use my Complex Bond avatar, then, for the time being at least. I wouldn't mind posting an actual photo of myself, but I don't actually have any...
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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Dragonsbrethren wrote:
Ah, so the picture is anything we want, not just an actual photo of ourselves? I'll just use my Complex Bond avatar, then, for the time being at least. I wouldn't mind posting an actual photo of myself, but I don't actually have any...

You can certainly post a photo of yourself, it's your space.
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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

No image yet

I first played GE when i was five, and have been hooked on it ever since.
My total play time probably goes way above 1000 hours, as even when it was long past its prime, i still played it every weekend.
A long time video game hacker, i was overjoyed at the existence of an editor that could make all my childhood fantasies of creating my own GE levels come true. (though i admit, at the time, i could have never conceived ROM hacking to this degree was possible).
You can find me at the IRC channel in most of my free time (all day on weekends / breaks, past 3-5 EST on weekdays) I can help with most hacking/online play issues that you may be having.

Email: I Check my pm's more than my email

Last Known Whereabouts: Lower U.S. East Coast

Multi Character: St.Petersburg guard, Jungle commando

Favorite Classic Solo Level: Caverns

Favorite Classic Multi Level: Bunker 2

Favorite New Solo Level: Hmmm...A lot of the solo maps that i've played do some things right, but not others. Its a tie between a lot of them for me.

Favorite New Multi Level: Township

Favorite Weapon: Cougar Magnum (Even for LTK), PP7 Special Issue (not silenced)

Best GoldenEye Story: have to think about this

Heard about GoldenEye Editing: I searched for it once in 2007, found this site, and then remembered it a year later.

Advice for Future GoldenEye Editors: PLAY YOUR LEVELS. Yes, play them online with other people if they are multi whenever possible. This allows you to find bugs, see what you like/dislike about your map so you can use/prevent them in future levels, and generally feel good about your work.

Upcoming Projects:

Stage Chart:
0: Planned
1: Designing
2: Creating In Hammer
3: Optimizing Geometry
4: Importing / Clipping / Portals
5: Setup
6: Testing or Beta Release
7: Final Release

Compound Multi (6/7)
Compound Solo (5/7)
Enigma Systems HQ (3/7)
Shrine (0/7)
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 PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Biography: Latecomer to the Goldeneye hacking scene, but determined to bring interesting missions and maps to the game. The low-polygon days of gaming is the impressionist era, and we are the monstrous children of Ian Flemming and Claude Monet!
Last Known Whereabouts: Sweden
Multi Character: The helicopter pilot, due to a fascination of head gear and Dwayne face.
Favorite Classic Solo Level: Facility. Deep within the beast you'll find the hissing canisters. There are so many different styles and strategies you can apply to this map.
Favorite Classic Multi Level: Complex. Haunting sky and multi-coloured corridors.
Favorite New Solo Level: Island, the vistas alone make this map. But Office made me realize the potentials and is the first map that really inspired me.
Favorite New Multi Level: Explosives on Block Fort.
Favorite Weapon: Proximity mines
Best GoldenEye Story: The times I played it with my best friend, we'd always come up with different scenarios and our own rules. Not so much of a story, but certainly the best experience a game can give. Also, the times we played with DK mode and slapped around those big bobbing heads. That's interactive poetry.
Heard about GoldenEye Editing: Maybe I found out about it after searching for online play. One site led to another. After seeing the Editor I was stuck.
Advice for Future GoldenEye Editors: Keep at it. There's plenty of time. Realize that the age of the game or the amount of polygons doesn't matter, what matters is that it plays good and is fun to create and experience.
Upcoming Projects: Goldfinger 64.

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 PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Recon Photo:

Biography: (will fill in at a later date)


Last Known Whereabouts: Ontario, Canada

Multi Character: Mishkin

Favorite Classic Solo Level: Facility

Favorite Classic Multi Level: Facility

Favorite New Solo Level: Island (TimEh)

Favorite New Multi Level: Soviet Office Tower (Dragonsbrethren)

Favorite Weapon: DD44 Dostovei / D5K Deutsche / Grenade Launcher / Remote Mine

Best GoldenEye Story: I suppose I'd have to say that the thing that stands out the most - what got me the most excited - was when I was able to gain access to a few extra mission stages in multiplayer. At the time, we could only load so many. The rest would all crash immediately as the level started. While testing out different codes, I found some success. An additional three maps would now load with more than a single player inside. It doesn't seem like much now, but it was a very big accomplishment for an NTSC region hacker at the time.

Heard about GoldenEye Editing: The first time I ever found out that people were making modifications to the game, was on a message board called "". It was far more simple back then. Invincibility, infinite ammo, unlock cheats, and codes that would make your guns look funky. It progressed slowly over the next ten years, into what we see today. If it weren't for the few hackers still obsessed over the glory that is GoldenEye, the scene would have likely died off years ago. Be thankful for us crazies. ;)

Advice for Future GoldenEye Editors: There's a few things that everyone should consider when working on their own projects...

1. Be creative. Try and think outside the box, while not straying too far from the original. The more you can do to make your efforts feel different and unique, the better response you'll receive from the players.

2. Be patient. This stuff takes a lot of time to accomplish, so don't throw in the towel if it feels like it is taking you forever. You also don't want to rush anything, either. A rushed product is a bad product. Sometimes it's a smart move to take a break for a day or two, then come back with a clear head.

3. Ask for assistance. If there is something you're having difficulty with, never be afraid to ask another person for help. There are others with enough knowledge to point you back in the right direction. It's always good to have somebody else to support you.

4. Testing and feedback. Before releasing anything final or official, it's a great idea to have a few other players try it out. They may spot a bug / glitch that you may have overlooked, notice a spelling error in your briefing, or even give a wonderful suggestion that you'd never thought of. They have testers in the industry for a reason... To make the designer (you) look better.

5. Have fun. Let's face it, if you don't enjoy editing or modding the game, why bother? There's plenty of times when you feel like everything is going wrong and you'd like to smash your keyboard across the monitor. But then there's the other times that bring a smile to your face; finally getting something to work out properly, testing it in-game for the first time, letting someone else preview it, and then finishing the project off completely. That sense of accomplishment is reward enough to make all that frustration seem worth it.

Upcoming Projects: Nothing scheduled

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 PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I am still missing people such as 00dark, Zoinkity, BMW, Dragonsbrethren, TimeEh, GERage, Mark Kane, armymen, Timothy1979, please send me your info!
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 PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Come on, people! Don't be shy. Razz

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 PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

I completely forgot about this, actually. I'll see about filling it all in tomorrow.
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 PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Recon Photo: None

A GoldenEye player for ten years, he became interested in GoldenEye editing in 2007. To him, the idea of making a level from scratch was a fantasy that became reality. Now, he's focusing on creating custom maps using Hammer and XSI. Especially enjoys creating and playing solo missions.

Email: Rarely check it, you're better off PMing me...

Last Known Whereabouts: Classified

Multi Character: Trevelyan

Favorite Classic Solo Level: Facility

Favorite Classic Multi Level: Complex

Favorite New Solo Level: Island

Favorite New Multi Level: Courtyard

Favorite Weapon: AR33

Best GoldenEye Story:
Finding out commands in indice files. It was fun to play around for different effects in the BG File, and equally fruitful knowing that it worked in-game. That feeling was worth everything that came before it.

Heard about GoldenEye Editing:
I was searching for GoldenEye GS codes, and came across GE Forever. I decided to check out Shooters Forever from there, and I looked at the hacking topics.

Advice for Future GoldenEye Editors:
-Persist! Making maps can be overwhelming and it takes a while, but if you keep at it, it'll be done.
-Don't bother competing against other modders. Seek enjoyment rather than bragging rights, status, or glory.
-Keep a balance of your own ideas and the original game when designing.
-Always test your map and fix any bugs you can.
-Don't hesitate to post to ask for help, because someone always knows how to help you.
-Enjoy it! Look forward to the feeling you get when you finally release your level; it's the reward for the frustration.

Upcoming Projects: None as of yet
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 PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Finally sat down and filled this all out:

Recon Photo: (Hmm, just use Trevelyan's portrait for now. I'll see about getting something better later.)

Biography: I've been a GoldenEye fan since I first played the game over a friend's house in late '97/early 98. At the time, I had never even played a first-person shooter before, and it was a completely new experience for me. I absolutely loved the game, and got a copy of it not too long after I picked up my N64 in '99.

I've been doing some sort of ROM hacking since '01, I'd say. I've made hacks of plenty of the classics, mostly from the NES and SNES days. It was great to finally see an editor come about for this game, since it is definitely one of my favorites, and I've always wanted to create custom missions for it.

Email: dragonsbrethren-at-gmail-dot-com

Last Known Whereabouts: New Jersey

Multi Character: Trevelyan; I've always played as Trevelyan for some reason. I do occasionally like to mix it up and play other characters, usually picking one that fits the stage mission-wise, like the Russian Soldier in Facility. I really enjoy the Random character option that Zoinkity's NSNA patch provides.

Favorite Classic Solo Level: Facility. This level just sums up GoldenEye so perfectly. You have a great layout based on the film sets. You have a bunch of original areas tying them together. You can play it with perfect stealth, or blast your way through. And even though I know how easy it is to create, the scene near the end when Ourumov captures Trevelyan is still very impressive to me.

Favorite Classic Multi Level: Facility, again. Despite not being designed for multiplayer, the starting area of Facility just works out perfectly. The layout flows well, and there's always plenty of action. Facility is also the very first stage I played in GoldenEye; my first memory of playing the game is loading the bathroom with remote mines and blowing my friend away as he came in the door.

Favorite New Solo Level: Had this been a few months ago, I would've said bmw's Library mission. That one has a lot of historic significance and it is a very good mission. Even though it just came out, though, I'm going to go with GE Rage's Cliff Base. These missions with new backgrounds are definitely the future of GoldenEye, and I can't wait to see where we're at in a year or two. Of course, the background can't carry a mission alone, and Cliff Base has a very fun, if short, mission. TimEh's Island also deserves mention, the two are very close for me. I think Island's exterior and lighting was more impressive, but really, I can't pick between the two.

Favorite New Multi Level: Going back to the GameShark days, Wreck's Facility Backzone. That just completely blew me away when it was released. Unfortunately by that time the friends I used to play GE with had moved on, and I never got a real opportunity to play this until it was made into a ROM hack. A runner up would be Wreck's Bunker 1 multi, which is the Bunker we should have gotten for multiplayer; it just plays so much better.

Favorite Weapon: Silenced PP7, of course. The stealth element is one of the best parts about GoldenEye, so it's great to sneak through a level with this eliminating guards without them even knowing you're there.

Best GoldenEye Story: Well, this one time I shot a grenade in mid-flight at the beginning of Aztec and killed all three guards with it...

Heard about GoldenEye Editing: If we're talking the GameShark days, on the Terrorist's Goldeneye Site, back in '99/00. I first heard about the Setup Editor the day it was released, but I don't remember where anymore.

Advice for Future GoldenEye Editors: Play GoldenEye. Study its missions and multiplayer setups, and learn what makes them so much fun. Try to make your setups mimic these things; you don't necessarily need or want to copy them, but your setups should have that same feeling when played. I like GoldenEye because it has very unique gameplay compared to most FPS games, so trying to replicate this gameplay should be the first priority of anyone designing a mission.

Upcoming Projects: A background or two and numerous setups for the Goldfinger 64 project.
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 PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Back to top

Long time ago I posted crappy levels out of noobiness.
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